As of today Astro version 4.0.3 Src: 1 was released and wanted to upgrade my current version of 3.6.4. Before doing that I first made a back-up, due it being a version upgrade from 3 to 4. After that started upgrading my below integrations before upgrading to Astro 4:
- astrojs/react
- astrojs/sitemap
- astrojs/tailwind
- astrojs/vue
- astrojs/rss
PS C:\Users\flapp\WEB\ASTRO\_ASTRO BACKUPS\masscom-media-september> npx @astrojs/upgrade
astro Integration upgrade in progress.
◼ @astrojs/react is up to date on v3.0.7
◼ @astrojs/rss is up to date on v4.0.1
◼ @astrojs/sitemap is up to date on v3.0.3
◼ @astrojs/tailwind is up to date on v5.0.3
◼ @astrojs/vue is up to date on v4.0.2
▲ astro will be updated to v4.0.3
wait One package has breaking changes. Continue?
check Be sure to follow the CHANGELOG.
✔ Installed dependencies!
+—————+ Houston:
| ^ u ^ See you around, astronaut.
PS C:\Users\flapp\WEB\ASTRO\_ASTRO BACKUPS\masscom-media-september> npm run dev
> astro-landing-page@0.0.1 dev
> astro dev
astro v4.0.3 ready in 4537 ms
┃ Local http://localhost:4321/
┃ Network use --host to expose
09:34:31 watching for file changes...
09:34:48 [200] / 127ms
Nice, that went smooth. However it did came with an issue after loading my page:
Error: [astro-icon] Unable to load "/src/icons/all-of-them.svg". Does the file exist? at Module.load [as default] ... ... ...Solution
Remove and install astro-icon again:
- npm remove astro-icon
- npm i astro-icon
That was actually fairly simple, nice to start a day without issues and a nice cuppa coffee.
Read/Learn more about the Astro framework:
Astroverse - The official Astro Blog
- NOTE: main image is also taken from their blog.